
Financial Forecasting Made Easy

How Can We Help You?

We offer a comprehensive financial operating model service, which is essential when seeking investment from angel investors and VCs. Unlike a financial forecast, a financial operating model is based on assumptions about how income from users will be used to attract more users. Here’s how we can assist you:

Our Services

Review, Edit, or Create: We can review, edit, or create a complete financial operating model tailored to your needs.

Expert Feedback: Our experts provide detailed feedback and insights from investors to ensure your model is compelling and accurate.

Purpose-Specific Preparation: We help you prepare financial models and forecasts for various purposes, including:

>> Applying for startup business loans

>> Applying for startup grants

>> Pitching to angel investors

>> Securing venture capital funding

This service is part of our Raise Capital and Idea to Market packages, designed to support your startup’s financial planning and growth.

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Get a quote on how we can help you create your financial model and forecasts

Our Packages

Review Financial Model


  • Examine all assumptions and forecasts made
  • Support assumptions with data and references.
  • Two reviewers to assess the financial operating model and provide feedback.
  • Two rounds of review and refinement
  • Delivering reports containing feedback from experts and investors
  • Precise techniques for forecasting all financials
  • Check the formulas of the model
  • Providing insights on your financial results
  • Offering guidance on optimal financial management

Edit Financial Model


  • Excel file professionally designed with all necessary sheets
  • Creating Income statement, Profit & Loss, balance sheet, etc.
  • Four reviewers to evaluate the financial operating model and provide feedback.
  • Three rounds of refinement
  • Important metrics: EBITDA, Burn rate, EBT, growth rates, etc.
  • Statements for cash inflow and outflow
  • Reviewing and refining your existing financial model
  • Guidance on financial management
  • Creating growth forecasts for fundraising

Financial Model from Scratch


  • Crafting your financial model and projections
    "We'll provide accurate financial data by filling in a table sent to us, which will be used as a source for creating the model."
  • Comprehensive financial planning, advice, and data, tailored just for you.
  • Six reviewers to assess the financial operating model and provide feedback.
  • Four rounds of refinement
  • Projected financial statements: Profit & Loss, income statement, and balance sheet
  • Assistance in estimating your startup's worth
  • Excel worksheets with mathematical formulas
  • Evaluating your operational expenses and capital costs
  • Creating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): growth rates, burn rate, EBITDA, etc.

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